SX Live Events
EJ Liao & Shekar Murthy & Howie Xu 46 min

Conversational AI Roundtable: Build vs. Buy

EJ Liao, VP of Product, Forethought / Shekar Murthy, CCO, / Howie Xu, SVP of Eng and AI, Palo Alto Networks / Jocelyn Goldfein, Managing Director, Zetta Venture Partners - Delve into the heart of Conversational AI, ChatGPT, and LLMs and explore benefits, challenges, and the tradeoffs of building an in-house solution vs using a third-party vendor. Gain insight on ensuring safety, trust, compliance, and the profound impact on brand experience. We will also cover how organizations can mitigate these risks through technology and the best practices they can follow to get the most out of this technology.


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