SX Live Events
CX Roundtable 59 min

Lessons Learned: Perspectives from a Decade in Customer Success

Omer Gotlieb, Co-Founder & CEO at Salespeak
, former Co-Founder & CCO at Totango / Shreesha Ramdas, Co-Founder and former CEO, Strikedeck (Medallia) / Dan Steinman, Chief Evangelist, Gainsight / Joe Andrews, CMO, SupportLogic - Customer success is an ever-evolving discipline that requires constant adaptation. Our panelists reflect on their extensive journey, discussing the challenges faced, successes achieved, and valuable lessons acquired along the way. Hear firsthand accounts of the strategies, tactics, and best practices that have proven effective in delivering exceptional customer outcomes and driving business growth. The panelists also discuss the evolving landscape of customer success, sharing their insights on emerging trends, shifting customer expectations, and the future direction of the field.


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