Judith Platz & Ryan Radcliff 15 min

Ep 2: How to Make an Impact at Speaking Events

In the latest episode of "15 Minutes with Judi," Judi breaks down how she got started speaking at industry events, how you can get started, and some advice on how to make a stronger impact. She shares what makes for a memorable event and how she prepares. Judi will be joining a panel on building strong customer success teams tomorrow, November 7th, at 10am PDT. Follow the link to register: https://sierraventures.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NN3bABHOTEiJAjKEWUyuEg#/registration Every other week, Judith Platz will discuss a topic related to customer support and success, have a guest on, or answer questions from you! To submit a question or request to join, send an email to [email protected].